Sunday, September 18, 2011

The story of how I went from weak to meh.

I've lived most of my life as a chubby insecure asian kid. It's only been since the past few years I've really put some effort into lifting and improving my physique. Obviously, an out of shape 16 year old kid would have troubles working out properly, and, heck, when I first stepped into the YMCA weight room. I was dazed and confused as to what I should do. It took me several months until I finally started to work out properly. I went into the gym uneducated and did whatever I pleased disregarding a lot of important bodybuilding principles every workout. Of course, I am no longer that idiot 16 year old nooby, but that's mostly thanks to the website, a website reccomended to me by a powerlifter in my hometown Burlington.

I learned a hell of a lot from that website, although I don't believe that everything from there works and is right for me, it's what took my bench from 135 to 235 in a matter of 4 months, T-Nation introduced me to important compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, military press (yes, I really did know NOTHING), concepts such as: splits, concentric/eccentric movements, rep-styles etc. and all the fundamental principles of lifting... If you don't know what I'm talking about, you sure as hell need to look some of this up. Learning about bodybuilding theories and concepts is essential to becoming the big and bad...

Not everyone lifts the same way. In fact, bodybuilders lift a certain way to improve their physique more. I know sure as hell that the biggest bad ass bodybuilder trains completely different to the next biggest bad ass, for example: Arnold Schwernegger and Dorian Yates, who both were bodybuilding champions back in their prime had completely different theories and physiques, but, hell they were both HUGE. Sure they had some common points in their routines, but, there ideologies and a lot of their exercises were completely different.

You have to work hard for it! You can sit down and read every Bodybuilding article in the world and know everything, but, if you don't put in 100% at the gym, heck you sure as hell ain't going to be as big as you should. I sure wasn't and that's why I'm still "meh" to this day. Sure, I like to think that I have a good body, many people tell me I do, but, I want to be rippling with striations, have a fully defined, cut, lean physique. I'm still suffering from minor gyno to this day even when I'm at 13% body fat. It's just more incentive to get even leaner.

The reason I present you this blog today is because I want to show you what I do as a lifter. I am no master, I'm really just mediocre, but, everyone's body is different. Obviously Arnold's routine wouldn't cater to my body type the best. That's why I strive to learn and then share the knowledge I learn through my day-to-day routine as an aspiring bodybuilder. Not everything I do will help you, but, how would you know if you don't even bother to experiment and try out what I do?

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